Friday, December 17, 2010

Meat mallet

Brian Lamacraft

Tough cuts of meat can be tenderized in various ways. Some people use a combination of methods or the one that works the best for them.
Meat Mallet
This mallet can be used to pound tougher cuts of meat. They are usually made of cast aluminum and some have a wooden handle. They have prongs that cut into the meat and help to tenderize it. Better mallets have a flat side used for beating the meat in addition to the pronged or dimpled side. Some cuts of meat may have to be worked on longer depending on how tough it is. You can also use it to flatten out thicker cuts of meats such as steaks. If you don't have a mallet you can use a rolling pin or a small heavy skillet such as one made out of cast iron.
Meat marinades are another great way to tenderize tougher cuts of meat. Soy sauce, salt, oil, garlic, vinegar, herbs and spices make up a typical marinade. You can also buy commercial marinades at the grocery store. These marinades also add flavor to meat as well as make it more tender. Other methods include using beer and wine . Many chefs have their own favorite marinades they like to use. Meat is usually left to marinade from anywhere form a few hours to overnight. Be sure to thaw out the meat completely before adding the marinade so it can soak into the meat fibers. You can even put some marinade and meat in a bag and further tenderize it with your meat mallet.
Slow Cooker
A slow-cooker can turn very inexpensive meats into great flavorful meals. The process of slow-cooking the meat all day can tenderize the toughest meat cuts. Almost any meat can become tender using this method. Add spices and garlic to the pot to enhance the flavor of the meat. This also makes a good one pot meal when combined with vegetables.
Roasting larger cuts of meat in the oven like chicken, beef, and turkey tenderizes the meat through the slow cooking process. You can add your vegetables in with the meat if you like and cook everything together. This method works well for the larger pieces of meat. You can try a marinade before roasting for extra flavor. Let the meat sit for a few minutes before cutting into it so the juices don't run out and dry out the meat before it is consumed.
Try any one of these methods and you will soon have your tougher cuts of meat nice and tender. Buy a meat mallet and slow cooker and find some marinade recipes. Meat doesn't have to be expensive or a prime cut. If you tenderize tougher cuts you can save yourself a lot of money.

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