Brush over with oil (or butter) and vinegar, using one part of vinegar to two parts of oil or butter, and let stand for a few hours. This is often done in tropical countries. A little vinegar served in the platter with the steak adds to the flavor of the meat.
A tablespoonful of vinegar added to the water in which fish is boiled has a tendency to whiten the meat, and to render it firmer.
When poaching eggs, if a teaspoonful of vinegar is added to the boiling water, it will prevent the whites from spreading.
When cooking cabbage or turnips, place a small dish of vinegar on the back of the stove and it will destroy the odor.
A number of dishes that are usually fried can be baked quite as well. Sausages cooked in this way are very delicious and much more digestible.
When frying anything to be rolled in meal, use half flour and it will be found to brown better.

Boiling Meat

When boiling meat of any kind, add a tablespoonful of vinegar to the water when first put over the fire. This makes the meat tender, without leaving any flavor of the vinegar.